Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Potentially Foolish Post for Prayer

I was, and am, on the verge of sending out a prayer request for tonight, the first of our 4 scheduled discussion evenings. We invited about 80 unchurched people we met going door-to-door doing a survey. I'm on the verge of sending out a prayer request….but. But at the risk of sounding foolish…. Foolish, why? Because possibly no one could come. I know that. So who would look foolish? Me. Why, because I bet big on God? So if no one comes and I asked you to pray it would mean that I was silly in thinking that in opposition to conventional wisdom, Barna, and my own fear, I thought someone would come. Better if I just pray before the Lord and keep this quiet and then if someone doesn't come, I don't look like a fool. hands in prayerHowever, if someone does come, then I can write a "praise" saying how God worked. That would be the safer bet. Better not to risk sounding foolish. What a fearful, self-centered strudel of faithlessness. If this is what God has asked us to do, and it is, I need to ask you to pray for the work He is doing, regardless of the outcome tonight or how it might make "me" look, because this isn't about "me," but about the God of Salvation and some lost people.

So, pray for our meeting tonight and for the other 3 evenings (they're listed on our webpage: )

And it gets worse. If I don't ask you to pray and people do come tonight, I'll kick myself for being so timid and afraid of God not coming through. This morning I was reading that the way to destruction is wide and those who find it are many. It doesn't mean Jesus failed and it doesn't mean His disciples standing, trying to stop the travelers and show them the other way have failed. I would rather be a fool like this a million times over, hoping, even foolishly, that He would use this and anything I do, to bring any lost person closer to Himself.

So pray for our meeting tonight and for the other 3 evenings. I could go out and cut the lawn, but I'm going to pray until we leave at 7. I think I could do 20 things that need to be done, but I'm going to pray and ask for your prayer and for His glory and that He would jog, jab, or, otherwise, move the heart of one of those people who we talked to and who got that letter to come tonight or to one of the other nights.

Paul said to the Corinthians, "We are fools, for Christ's sake…" and tonight four of us might be sitting alone at Wendy's © for the sake of Jesus and His harvest.

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