Sunday, October 17, 2010

Flexibility in the Harvest

Our "Oktoberfest" was last night and I'm very impressed with how the Lord did things. It showed us again that we simply work for the Lord and let Him do His thing without our expectations getting in the way.

We had invited people for 6pm and received confirmation, even the offer to bring something. At 6 only one person showed up. Think of a dinner with several things that had to get ready at one time, with one oven and we were ready to go at 6:15….so Harvesterwe did what the Lord would want you to do. We depended on Him and got really, really, really flexible. I eventually went out and asked the girl across the street if she was coming. Sure, in a few minutes (she came over an hour later). I went home and we waited and talked but I went out again about 30 min. later and asked the family who was going to bring something if they were coming. The dad just came back from rugby and arrived about 30 min. later and the wife never showed. Then the first guy's "life partner" came, and then finally the girl across the street.

It was flexible and funny and I keep reading in the Sermon, "Be merciful as your Father is merciful."  I'm finally becoming aware how important the Sermon on the Mount was to those "Jesus called to be with Him, to send them out to preach, and have authority…." Some pretty vital info.

light_in_darknessBut you know, the Lord never tells us how things will turn out, we are just told that God will use us for "good." We might not see how the "good" becomes "good," but we trust Him and do what He says and the harvest is His.

So, we got to know our neighbors a little better and the girl across the street stayed after everyone left and talked for about another 2-2.5 hours. It was a great time, it was seasoned with salt, and we sense and are praying that the Lord has opened a door here. When she left she said some stuff that I can only say was the Spirit of God affirming us in working with our neighbors.

What a funny event, full of flexibility and mercy and the wonder of seeing God work.

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