Sunday, October 24, 2010

Asking, Seeking, Knocking

So what do you do if you knock and don't get an immediate answer? We all know the answer, but I know from my walk with the Lord, that He often wants to see how badly, truly, deeply we want the answer and are willing to pursue Him. We all know this.

Thursday evening the three of us sat at Wendy's and no one came. Not a problem. Our desire is to serve the Lord and see disciples made, from lost to reproducing disciple makers. The question is: are we really willing to keep pursuing the Lord? Are we willing to keep praying and keep knocking and keep asking and search our hearts and never give up. Truth remains truth? If people were lost yesterday, they are still lost today. If Jesus has told us to look to the harvest yesterday, He wants us to do it today also.

So Laura and I are going out this morning to have breakfast in our target area and walk the streets and pray that the Lord would touch some hearts and send them our way tonight.

I can't understand giving up trying to connect with lost people. If it takes a million tries, it is worth it to be true to Jesus and for their sake. That is the mercy that Jesus trained His disciples in the Sermon on the Mount. Our heavenly Father doesn't give up. We shouldn't either.

We know He wants us to keep asking, to keep seeking, to keep knocking. We know this. But how hungry are we? How deeply do we want what He wants.

Keep praying. More later.

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