Friday, October 1, 2010

Giving and Receiving His Blessings in the Harvest

Yesterday in the parking lot of the Salvation army I was sort of shamed by the Spirit of God. This guy is walking into the store with his teen daughter, sees us and is apparently urged toward us. I knew immediately that he would ask for money, but that is precisely why I carry cash and I just got $20 for my wallet as "give away" money. So he asked for money and he was immediately shocked that I went for my wallet so easily. Then I stumbled. All those milli-second thoughts and urges. What would $10 do for him and his daughter for a meal, but still I held back and only offered him $10 for some stupid reason, some innate "locked-up-ness. "

The Holy givingSpirit knew I had 20 bucks. He himself had moved me to put it in my wallet, and once again Kachikis was having a minor malfunction. I was rebuked as I was handing him the 10 and the Spirit was right. And then, the Spirit moved him and I saw it coming. He asked,  "How about $20," and again I was so quick with the other 10 that I'll bet it scared him. Good that he stopped there, I was broke. As he walked away thanking me, he asked me to pray for a job and I have and will. I was glad that I was ready to give, but mad at me for being such a tight-wad, and truly impressed at how the Spirit guided the whole thing. The Spirit and I know we are working on me being more perceptive and ready to respond to Him and the needs He shows me.

So now, I am not kidding and not writing this for any drama, five minutes later, the pastor of a local church called, and in the course of the conversation, asked me if I had money for the mortgage. In keeping with my "locked-up-ness" I told him the mail hadn't come in yet so I didn’t know. He had to answer  another call and we left it there. Still, it was a very surprising call and he didn't call back. This afternoon he called again and asked if we had the money and I told him we didn't and …… it's in the mail.

So as senior citizens we are growing in faith, taking risks, crawling out on the limb, finding that there is no safer, more secure place to be if God has called you there.

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