Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October 2010

In talking to people doing this survey of our "target area" we find the thought of "security" coming up a lot. People are concerned about health, the unknown, and the economy adds a shudder to most lives. People who have questions for God regarding what's up are the people we're looking for to invite to a discussion evening this month. What seems obvious when we talk to the unchurched or de-churched (Christians who stopped going to church) is that there is no answer for their need for security in the church. People don't seem to find enough there to get them close to God; just to music, to social contact and to an inspirational speech, and honestly, if that's all church is, and people have told us this, they can do that at home. It makes you think about the purpose of church.


But back to security. I'm studying the life of Christ, and go figure, that when He began his ministry he quit his job and roamed the country with some other guys who quit their jobs. It's comical when Mary tells Jesus the wine was gone at the wedding. How do you account for that short interchange and Jesus' answer, "My hour has not yet come."? Maybe she was thinking, "O Weh, 30 years old, no job, no wife, if you're going public with this thing, just do it." When Peter, Andrew, James, John and the others left their jobs, what were they thinking? You could only carry so much money and food, and Jesus was in some isolated places. Yet, we know there was no more secure place on earth for them to be, than with Jesus, even on His boat trips.

Our security or following Jesus into His? How many of your ideas of following Christ have been lost to "reality," you know, "that's just the way it will always be?" You read that the "fields are white" but something tells you, "Calm down, that's idealism, that's for other people. Look at church, we're fine." I don't know all of what holds people back, but I do know what moves them forward: "And the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and went his way." Just believing His Word. "Lift your eyes and see how the fields are already white for harvest." Just believing it, following Jesus and doing it regardless of the cost, equals security.

So here we are planting a church, at a time when we're finally getting senior citizen discounts at most fast food places. No secure salary. No big group. No worship service. Just praying like crazy and following Christ - seeing Him increase our faith and conviction as we do this survey, as we invite people into our homes, as we "practice" making disciples. Believing that church is the most vital thing in the world because Christ died for it, and it is here we equip, strengthen and encourage one another to follow Christ into the harvest and make disciples who make disciples. And we're seeing the Lord work and encourage.clip_image004

Last week in the parking lot of the Salvation Army, I was sort of shamed by the Spirit of God. This guy is walking into the store with his teen daughter, sees us and is urged toward us. I knew that he would ask for money, but that is precisely why I just got $20 for my wallet as "give away" money. So he asked for money for him and his daughter for supper and was shocked that I went for my wallet so easily. Then I stumbled. All those milli-second thoughts and urges. What would $10 do for him and his daughter for a meal, but I held back and only offered him $10 for some stupid reason, some innate 'locked-up-ness.' The Holy Spirit knew I had 20 bucks and had moved me to put it my wallet and once again Kachikis was having a minor malfunction. I was rebuked and He was right. And then, the Spirit moved the guy and I saw it coming. He asked, "How about $20?" Again, I was so quick with the other $10 that I'll bet it scared him. Good that he stopped there, I was broke. As he walked away thanking me, he asked me to pray for him for a job and I have and will. I was glad that I was ready to give, but mad at me for being such a tight-wad, and truly impressed at how the Spirit guided the whole thing. The Spirit and I know we are working on me being more perceptive and ready to respond to Him.

Now, I'm not kidding or writing this for drama, but five minutes later, the pastor of a local church called, and in the course of the conversation, asked me if I had money for our mortgage. In keeping with my "locked-up-ness" I told him the mail hadn't come in yet. He had to get another call and we left it there. Still, it was a very surprising call. The next day he called again and asked if we had the money, and I told him we didn't and, now for the third month, the Lord has found an unexpected way to pay our mortgage.

So, as senior citizens we are growing in faith, taking risks, finding that there is no safer, more secure place to be than following Jesus into the harvest. And we're doing this because we believe His Word, that the fields are white, that the church must make disciples who make disciples, and that our Father is glorified in that we bear much fruit and so prove to be Christ's disciples. That's worth living and dying for, and you get the thrill of standing in the field with Jesus saying, "Hey Lord, what's for supper tonight."

Pray for Mike, a new believer

Pray for Jeff, Michelle and kids as they reach out to their neighbors.

Pray for us as we host an Oktoberfest at our house

Pray for New Song as we begin inviting unchurched people to come out and talk.

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