Friday, December 30, 2011

A Plan for the New Year

These reading notes have come out of a deep longing the Lord has given me to find a way to make disciples that is natural to all of us as we follow Jesus in the harvest. The reading notes are not the "way," they are only a tool. The natural way to grow as disciples must be the Word of God. The notes are not necessary. The Word is necessary. The notes were written to give a disciple some help, or motivation to keep reading the Bible.

This longing has come from the Lord through many experiences, so I can't take any credit for the desire. He put it there and it has come at a price, but I thank Him for that. Then, when the Lord presented the idea of doing this last year my heart took to it, but with some fear and the knowledge that I've never done anything like this. I couldn't imagine being able to write like this for a year. By His grace, this has been an amazing year and like no other year I have ever experienced. God provided and allowed for my being able to write the notes. There is no way I could have done this. The Lord graciously showed us, every day that this was His project. Therefore, only He can receive any thanks or praise. We are still trying to sort out what we have learned of the Lord this year. Laura and I memorized Psalm 40:1-10 and the verse I thought of last night as I finished writing December 31 was verse 5, "You have multiplied, O Lord my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us; none can compare with you! I will proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told."

Laura and I have known that God is great and loving, and that His Word is true. In a way we could never have imagined, we have actually tasted that. In the trials and challenges and being totally dependent on Him, we've learned something of His faithfulness to His promises. Trust means something different now. Laura and I have looked to the Lord each day not knowing what to do but to trust and to go on without any understanding of how the Lord would care for us. And the Lord did it. He was true and faithful, leading us on a totally strange path through a very unusual desert. I have to thank the Lord for such a great friend like Laura to "share" this with. The reading notes make much more sense because she read and edited them. But for both of us, our testimony of what we seem to have just begun to learn, is that if we let our expectations die and simply go with what God allows, we can trust God fully as we follow our Lord in the harvest. The key is following our Lord.

For this next year, I would suggest the following.

Keep reading your Bible. Keep Jesus' Word. Keep reaching out to your neighbors and co-workers.

Ask the Lord for 2-3 people who will commit to reading a One-Year Bible everyday and meeting together for the next year for an hour a week. As you meet together I'd recommend you only talk about the reading for the previous day or that day (depending on the time of day you meet.) The reading notes are not required. They are easy to find on the blog site and they are a kind of "light" commentary if someone needs help or motivation.

As the leader of the group don't worry about being the "teacher." It is enough if people are getting together and they are in the Word. You can trust the Holy Spirit working in the Word to be working in their hearts. You can read the reading notes to help yourself become an "approved" workman. It will help you grow and give the others some direction.

The other elements of the group that are necessary is regularly meeting together, and them making some effort to reach out to neighbors or co-workers. If we are not in the harvest, we cannot grow in Christ.

The reading notes will remain on the blog and are yours to use. Over the next year I will be editing them for consistency. If I make any significant changes, I'll repost them.

May the Lord bless you as you grow as a disciple, following Jesus in the harvest, making disciples who make disciples, who make disciples, who make disciples.

In Christ,

Dan Kachikis

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