Thursday, January 27, 2011

Prayer Update, January 27, 2011

I just want to send a quick update for prayer.

Laura and I are leaving tomorrow to go to "boot camp" with Acts 29 in Orlando. Since New Song doesn't have a mother church and we are not connected to a network, we are hoping to become part of the Acts 29 church planting network. This won't give us finances, but it will give us accountability, "community," and access to some resources.

If you want more info on Acts 29:

We're going to be driving through Memphis and Atlanta and staying with the Youderians in Orlando. One big goal is to spend some time with Mom Youderian.

So pray for safety and the Lord's will in all of this. I've done a lot of work on the application for Acts 29 and Laura & I will be given an assessment on Friday, Feb. 4, to see if we are accepted. All we want is the Lord's will.

Pray for an opportunity that we have to do a Good News Club in an elementary school here. It kind of looks like we're getting a green light, but the light hasn't gone on yet.

Pray for our youth group, Outbreak. We're slowly starting up, but need to be in our community doing this.

Pray for financial support to rent a building in our area. The Lord has led us to a guy who is managing this building for a woman. He is a great Christian guy who goes to a church we have worked with, is on the city council and is now in the state legislature. The landlady is also a believer and would love this place to be used for outreach. She's willing to give us a great deal on the rent, including a couple months free rent and will adjust the rent according to the fixing up we do. We're looking at $2000 rent plus about $700 in utilities per month. What we need is to find some people who are willing to give 20-30-40 dollars monthly support to New Song. Anyway, pray for this need and ask the Lord whether this is something you could help us with.

When we get back from Orlando, I'll be making some personal calls to people the Lord puts on my heart. If you think you might be one of these people, feel free to head me off at the pass and start supporting us now. :)

This past month, any spare time I've had has been consumed by caring for my mother. Before Christmas it looked like her health was slipping and then she began having confusion and falling and ended up in the ER 3 times in 2 weeks. This past week, the Lord amazingly opened a door for her to go into a very, very nice nursing home. In spite of the place being great and a gift from God, it is a tough change and adjustment for her. I've also been surprised at the emotional energy it's taken from me. It is great to be close to the Lord in times like this. So pray for Janet (my mom) as she and the staff get used to one another. I think she'll like it.

Thanks for praying with and for us. If you're interested, follow along with us in reading through a one-year Bible in 2011. I post my notes on

In Christ, Dan and Laura

New Song Community Church

2108 E. Sheridan Bridge Ln.

Olathe, KS 66062

913 375 4664

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