Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 2011

Howard Hendricks at Dallas Seminary used to tell us, "Don't assume anything.  You'll seldom be disappointed."  In keeping with that motto, 2011 is off to a great start.  I expected to hit the ground running in January, but noticed the ground was already moving, in another direction, when I hit.

clip_image002About a month ago, Laura, who has never even been on a roof, got shingles.  Her struggle with the pain and sleeping added difficulty to the "run up" toward Christmas.  She did a great job making the house cheery and welcoming for Greg and Alisa at Christmas.   She's on the mend, & just in time.

Then, a week before Christmas, my mother, who I take care of, began experiencing a lot of confusion.  She lives "independently," but only if she can remember to take her meds (about 12 pills a day) and not mix them up.  I prepare them for her and usually she takes them without a hitch, but then, suddenly, not.  We've taken her to the ER 3 times in the past 3 weeks and she is now in a rehab hospital being evaluated to see if she can live independently.  The good that's come out of this is having my sister Kathy and nephew Scott here for a visit. Now, my Uncle and Aunt will visit next week.  The challenge is not knowing what my mom's living arrangements will look like for the future, and our split-level house isn't an option.

Still, in all of this, we are working to move forward and there are some things in the "What's New" department.

In December I "published" (shared) a book on my blog.  It was fun writing it in 1994, and it was about time I put it out there.  I don't know what people thought of it, but I got a kick out of seeing the "hits" as people read it.  If you're interested (or extremely bored), take a look.  It began on December 13th and finished just before the first of the year.

In the near future, too, I'm going to put up some very short children's "good night" stories I wrote for the kids.  The idea is to give some ideas of how Sunday school/Good News Club teachers (parents and grandparents too) can write short stories to introduce or conclude their classes, stories that are fitted to the life and needs of the kids in trying to follow Christ.

Also, our discipleship cell meets weekly and we need material for preparation and discussion.  Then we were thinking, "How do we encourage people to get into the Bible themselves?  And how do we do something that can be repeated every year at different levels?  And how can we do something that doesn't require people to add 'one more thing' to their lives?"  And my thought, "How can we do something that applies to everyone on the planet, in any culture or language?"  Well, I don't know that we got anything more than a headache for all that mental effort, but the result is that we're going through a One Year Bible together.  According to Jesus, nothing beats hearing the Word and doing it.  So, we're hoping this is the simple solution that will kill many birds with one stone.  I'm writing notes, for each reading, that are meant to focus us on growing as disciples in Jesus.  I put these notes on my blog a day ahead with the idea that people can read them with, or after their quiet time.  Again, if you are interested and have no quiet time /Bible reading plan for the year, why not join us.  Disciples are meant to encourage one another to grow in Christ and this is a very practical and natural way to do it.  If you do join us, just jump in wherever we are.

We have been praying to launch New Song with ministry, not a worship service.  While we've been working to get into the local schools with a Good News Club, or at least begin a club in a neighborhood locally, we've begun the youth ministry now.  The name of the group is called "Outbreak."  We've found a small warehouse (gym!) we hope to rent.  This would be the kind of space Outbreak could grow in, and of course, the rooms could be used for Good News Clubs, and anything else we need at New Song.  In the front rooms we can have Bible studies and hold meetings and events for things that need a space that looks normal, but in the rear, it's ready for action.  We would be using it for Outbreak immediately.   The rent is $2000 a month plus utilities and insurance.  We are praying for partners to help us rent this and begin using it for outreach & ministry. Big prayer request.

We have also finished all the paperwork to apply for our 501c3 certificate.  It isn't necessary, but it is recommended as something to have to receive funds from grants and foundations, and it gives large donors the "confidence" that they can receive a tax deduction.  The filing for this (ironically) costs $850.  Another big prayer request.

In February, Laura and I are headed to Orlando for "boot camp" with Acts 29, a church planting network.  If accepted, New Song would become part of a movement that is making an impact in training leaders and beginning churches with a missional and disciple making focus.  Pray that we can make it, considering the living arrangements for my mom are still uncertain.

In all of this we're asking the Lord to point us to people who would be willing to help us financially for the first year.  When I found a place for us to rent in Germany, we found friends in the States who helped us, but the youth, themselves, were supporting the rental with pledges of 10 or 20 or more Marks a month.  Together, all of that put us over the top.  If you are willing and able to help with a one-time gift, or any amount of monthly support, please let me know so we'll also know how the Lord is leading us here.  If you are interested, you can send checks in care of "New Song Community Church," to 2108 E. Sheridan Bridge Ln.  Olathe, KS  66062.  Let us know if this is a one-time gift, or if you will be able to give monthly, for how long.

clip_image004Laura and I have become backyard bird watchers and we were enjoying it until the local hawk began having lunch here.  I  did the usual feeding, but this hawk presented a deeper challenge to the birds than hunger.  So with the "mission" in mind, I went back to the book and got a couple of useful ideas.  The birds need cover, OK.  So I took some free wood I found and made a standing feeder, but put a gable frame over it and loaded the "roof" with branches and pine branches that Home Depot© was throwing out.  Then, when people started throwing out their Christmas trees, I grabbed 5 of them and created a small pine forest in the back yard.  This took time.  We are now "Birds R Us."  Not only did the old customers come back, but the boys in blue (5 blue jays), 3 different kinds of woodpeckers, plus all the Juncos you want. 

New Song is not interested in birds (Laura and I have that covered!), but we are serious about our mission and what we believe, with all our hearts, is the mission of the church, to reach lost people for Christ and make disciples who make disciples, following Christ in the harvest and glorifying the Father by working together and bearing much fruit.  Nothing less will do. We will refine and rethink and retry until the Lord gives us the breakthrough.  What we're doing is too important to give up or to settle for anything less than proving to be disciples of our Lord (Jn 15:8).  Pray for us, that the Lord will open the doors to reach into our community and begin reaching people and making disciples.  Please pray for the requests above and if you are able to help us financially, thanks in advance.

In Christ,

Dan and Laura

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