Friday, November 22, 2013

The December Reading Notes are ready

Thanks to Laura’s hard work the December Reading Notes are in one document and ready for you to download, if you choose, at

We are now in the process of going back to January and making more corrections and refinements.

We are thankful for the Lord allowing us to do this, and we are even more grateful for the many people using the Notes to grow in Christ, following Him in the harvest and making disciples who make disciples.

In Christ,


Sunday, October 27, 2013

November 2013 Reading Notes are Ready

If you are interested in having the November Reading Notes as a complete document to print or to just have on your computer, you can find it and download it at

Thank you too, for all who prayed that the Lord would lead us to a place to serve a church, reaching the lost and making disciples who make disciples.  As of March 1 I will be the pastor of Immanuel Church in Woodside, NY.

In Christ,


Monday, September 30, 2013

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Or I suppose necessity is the impulse that brings you back to earth to discover the simple and sensible.

If you are wanting to make a booklet for the monthly installments of the Reading Notes you can do what I did since spending $13 at a printing place seemed too much for me.

Print the notes out on both sides, that is the "manual duplex" setting on my old printer in the garage.  Or, really, if that is too much and you have lots of paper, print them single sided.

Then I found a very thin binder and after putting all the pages through the 3-hole punch, viola!, not only was it quick and cheap, but the booklet stands on a shelf.  The other booklets didn't stand and I look at that as a minus point on their behalf.  Then I printed a snazzy cover page and slipped it into the front cover of the binder.

Anyway, I have heard that the "thumb drive" idea was a little too technical for some people and thought I would offer this idea since necessity moved us to it and I now prefer it.


Saturday, September 21, 2013

The October Reading Notes are Ready

If you would like the October Reading Notes in one document, either to print or to put on your computer, you can find them at

What Laura and I do is put the notes on a thumb drive and take them to a printing place like Office Depot or DocUmart. They will bind them for you and you can ask for a colored cover page.

In Christ,


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A New Adventure

This morning we find ourselves being led by the Lord down an unexpected path. The important point is that we are being led by the Lord.

When I was hired at Redeemer Evangelical Church four months ago the pastor sat down with Laura and me and said, “Just say ‘Yes’.” We felt that doing youth, small groups and discipleship would help Redeemer and that the Lord was asking us to say “yes” to be an encouragement to the pastor and his wife. 

Apparently we accomplished what the Lord had planned for us. There are many people there reading their Bibles and telling us that for the first time they are enjoying it, so much so, that they can’t wait to get out of bed in the morning. One woman added, “and now my husband is reading the Bible.” They liked the Reading Notes for The One Year Bible too. I put together the makings of a picture directory; I presented a plan for small groups and a strategy to create a simple disciple making culture in the church. I’ve also met with the 3-5 youth who attend sporadically (average age in the church is 68) and they were enjoying the lessons. When I taught adult Sunday School, I did some of the same lessons with seniors and they really loved them.
So yesterday I was told by two of the elders and the pastor that because of budgetary concerns they couldn’t afford to keep me on staff and that they really needed just a youth pastor. I admit at age 58, I’m probably not the guy who should be “running with the bulls.”
Laura and I feel that we did well in serving the Lord in encouraging the pastor and in providing the church with some good ideas and impulses to bring its ministry forward. It is simply that the Lord knew our job was done yesterday. Oddly enough the reading in The One Year Bible is in Job, 2 Cor. and Psalm 42. The Lord could not have planned this better. Even in reading the Reading Notes (that I wrote 2 years ago) I was convicted and comforted by what I read. It is His plan and His wisdom. Our duty in following is to trust His love.

So we would ask you to pray for us. Obviously we need a job and some answers to our financial and housing situation, but we really want a place to serve the Lord where we can follow the Lord in the harvest, reaching out to lost people and making disciples who make disciples.
If you know of any churches looking for a pastor, please let us know.

 Dan and Laura Kachikis
4796 Mockingbird Ln.
Memphis, TN 38117
Dan’s cell:  901-870-0989
Laura’s cell:  901-870-8528

Thursday, August 22, 2013

September 2013 Reading Notes are Available

The September  2013 Reading Notes can be found as a single document at

Feel free to download this file and print them. 

In Christ,


Monday, July 29, 2013

August 2013 Reading Notes are Available

The August 2013 Reading Notes can be found as a single document at

Feel free to download this file and print a hard copy.  Laura and I are really enjoying doing this.

I read an article by Bill Hull that really struck me.  Hull has been involved in discipleship for decades and written best sellers on the subject.  His programs have been used by hundreds of churches in the U.S. and internationally. After all his books and after decades in discipleship he felt it had all been a failure.  There was no culture of disciples who were following Christ in the harvest making disciples who made disciples.  His conviction was that for many the cost of discipleship was more than they wanted to pay and that believers needed to be evangelized with the message of discipleship.

It is interesting to me that the Great Commission, that is, the charge for us to reach a lost world, says we are to make disciples.  Couple that with Jesus’ words, spoken twice to his disciples, that the harvest was plentiful but the laborers were few, you have the importance of making disciples to the reaching of the lost.  It only takes one generation to forget the importance of making disciples.  That generation will produce a generation that has forgotten how to follow the Lord in the harvest and has no clue how to make disciples or reach out to the lost.

Having said all of that, even in churches that have forgotten how to follow or reach out, it is fun to find people who suddenly come alive with the message of discipleship.  I have some people who I could point you to who were not reading through their Bibles a year ago and now give a very excited and heartfelt testimony to reading a One Year Bible and the Reading Notes.  This is how discipleship is fueled, reading the Word of God and drawing closer to Christ.  His light is our light and it sets us on fire. The making of disciples is the beginning of reaching the harvest.  Our Lord wants passionate followers who love Him and hear and obey His Word.  What we are doing is the foundation of growing as disciples and reading His Word daily is the way discipleship is proven and how it spreads.

Don’t give up.  Look for those who respond to the Word.  It will get your heart going to watch people catch fire.

In Christ,


Friday, June 28, 2013

The July 2013 Reading Notes are now available

If you would like all of the July Reading Notes in one printable document, go to

Laura and I are enjoying having our own hard copies and making corrections as we go.

Lord bless you as you follow Him in the harvest, making disciples who make disciples.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

June 2013 Reading Notes Are Ready

If you are interested, you can find the June Reading Notes in one document at

In Christ,


Friday, April 26, 2013

May Reading Notes for 2013

If you are interested, you can find the May Reading Notes in one document at

Lord bless you as you follow Him in the harvest.

In Christ,


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The April Reading Notes

If you’re interested, Thanks to Laura’s diligence, the April Reading Notes are in one document at

May the Lord bless you as you follow our Lord in the harvest, reaching the lost and making disciples who make disciples.

In Christ,


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The March 2013 Reading Notes are ready

If you go to you will find all of March's Reading Notes in one convenient document.

May the Lord bless you in your reading of His Word as you follow Him in the harvest.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Addition & Revision for February 5 Reading Notes

Matthew 24:4-8 As I think this through, these events have described many times and wars in past history, or so it would seem. Wars and unrest and earthquakes have led many people to speculate about the coming of Christ. Jesus appears to be saying these will be normal, yet, just before the beginning of the tribulation these things will also be present. Sometimes the "birth pangs" are a false alarm. They still make us alert and keep us ready. As advanced as we think we are as humans with indoor plumbing and blue-tooth technology hanging on our ears, wars are still raging on this planet. This should remind us that we need the answer that only the Lord can bring and it should keep us in a state of readiness - not readiness to flee, but to do our work in the harvest.

Matthew 24:9-14 This will actually be in the Tribulation. Verse 10 is important. Because of the persecution of believers, many false believers will fall away and become bitter and traitorous. It will actually show who is in this for Christ, to bear their cross to their death, working to get His message out to save the lost.

Matthew 24:28 I think my comment in the reading notes is wrong. The focus of what Jesus is saying here is the sign in the heavens of His coming. Notice that this is the focus of the next verses too. This expression "wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather" simply meant, "look up." Looking up was the answer to finding the corpse. Looking up will be the answer to finding Jesus. False Christs and false prophets will say, "look here or look there;" but the only place to look will be up, and it will be evident to the entire world at the same time.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

February Reading Notes are ready

Laura has completed putting the February Reading Notes into one document just as she did with January. If that is a help for you, they are available at You'll see the document for the February there.

Laura and I have been using the January notes and I really like having a hard copy with me when I'm reading my Bible.

Lord bless,


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Following as a Destination

Following as a Destination

The thought of following the Lord seems like a lot of other "requirements." The simple way to follow is just to obey. In a way it seems like the fulfilling of other commands, such as being righteous or being holy, is just to obey. Then, to obey becomes defined as staying out of trouble. If you don't lie or mess up in any big way you're OK. If we're not careful, simply being moral becomes what it means to be a follower of Christ.

So I was reading in John 12 where the Greeks showed up seeking Jesus. Jesus understood their arrival as a signal that the time of His glorification/death/sacrifice had come. Then Jesus became very somber and not only restated what He had said about being a disciple, He intensified it. It was an interesting moment. Here is what Jesus said about following.

John 12:26 RSV - If any one serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there shall my servant be also; if any one serves me, the Father will honor him.

When I read this it struck me. Following isn't just obedience; it is a destination. It means that Jesus is Himself present, walking into a situation in front of us, expecting us to come in right behind Him. What an interesting thought. It means that when we notice a person and have that thought that maybe we should say something to them, the Lord is standing next to them, waving at us to come over. It means that when a hard situation develops that puts us on the spot, Jesus has already gone into the discussion before us.

I know we know this, at least theoretically, but it is truly true. Jesus' presence is seen in these verses and adds a sense of depth to them.

Phil. 4:5 RSV - Let all men know your forbearance. The Lord is at hand.

Mark 16:20 RSV - And they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that attended it. Amen.

Luke 10:16 RSV - He who hears you hears me, and he who rejects you rejects me, and he who rejects me rejects him who sent me.

Following is actually following. He is doing His work and going before us. He just needs us to follow Him. When people respond, they are responding to Him. If it is rejection, rather than feeling sorry for ourselves, we should think, "Lord, I feel so bad they they threw egg on your head. They have no clue who you are." I think you get the picture.

So, that is what the Spirit nudged me with and it not only makes sense to me as I follow Him in the harvest, it might have also opened my eyes to what it means to walk by faith.

Written on, and sent with great effort from my iPad.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Word of Reminder

A Word of Reminder

If you are interested, all the January reading notes are in one Word document at

Laura and I are reading our January notes--hard copy--enjoying them and I'm making revisions for 2014.

Thank you for all the prayers for me and Laura. I was happy to think that this was my last assignment. In some of you who are reading, I feel I may have made my contribution to the harvest. That would be more than enough for me.

I think of Noah seeing all the people who rejected God for 100 years while building the ark. Then after the flood I'll bet he was disillusioned seeing that virtually no one was interested in the promise. One day in Noah's last few years a new man stepped into the community. He not only listened to the stories, but Noah could see him grasp the promise in faith. This man was Abraham, who was born 50 years before Noah's death. I have to think that Abraham's interaction with Noah was used by God to develop Abe's faith and to show Noah that his labor was not in vain.

In all of our work in following and making disciples, the Lord will bring people who will love Christ and follow Him into the harvest, reaching the lost and making disciples who make disciples. That makes it all worth it.

And it looks like the Lord has another assignment for me. So I guess I'll stick around.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My Recent Adventure

My Recent Adventure

Looking back to the last week:

Lots of people we've mixed with have had colds or the first phases of the flu. So, I didn't give much thought to being out of breath one day when I was exercising. No pain, no gain, right? You just work through it. That has always worked for me.

Then, I have always had some chest pain, going back to my teens. After many EKGs, stress tests and having atomic waste material injected into my heart, I was told that I probably had scarring on the bag around my heart that might become irritated when I'm getting something.

Sunday night I was taking a one hour study walk. I had walked two hours that morning with no problem. Now I noticed something. My chest felt tight and my jaw was hurting a little. It is amazing what begins to ache when you get the flu. So I kept walking. I also was praying in between the stuff I was working on. I thougt of people I had visited in the hospital who had mentioned symptoms like I was feeling. In all my praying I told the Lord I was ready to go. Maybe the Reading Notes we're my last assignment.

By the time I returned to the house, I had experienced new pains including my back, which never hurts unless I have the flu. Once home I thought of going to the ER, but wonder of wonders, the pain and discomfort vanished. Later it returned and vanished again and I slept like a baby.

Monday morning, the 31st, I walked for two hours with very little problem, but once I was home, the discomfort in my chest and jaw became nagging and wouldn't go away by finding a good position to stretch out. Then the pain left and I thought it might be good to get an appointment for a physical. Then the discomfort returned and I called the Dr's office to see if they could do an EKG (less expensive than the ER). Given my symptoms they told me to go to the ER.

The Baptist hospital has a branch in Collierville, about two minutes away. I told Laura I had better go, she agreed and moved me to the door. I drove.

When I arrived I only had light symptoms and was anticipating this would be a false alarm and a waste of money. They took an EKG which showed that everything as normal, but they drew blood. When my discomfort increased they did another EKG and this one showed something, but the pain went away. When the blood tests came back, they found the tiniest trace of (.75) of an enzyme found with heart attacks, usually around 5. So they began to feed me nitro. The discomfort returned. They gave me morphine to no effect. They put me on heparin, gave me a shot of nitro in my IV and the discomfort only increased. So much for the miracle of medical science. I was actually immune to morphine. Then it got bad, big time. Chest, jaw and back were totally aching. I was sweating and sick to my stomach. Thankfully the garbage can was within reach.

That was the heart attack. Thankfully I was there long enough to show symptoms. Thankfully the lord had me fully medicated when it hit. They began setting up a catheterization, but there wasn't a bed in the main hospital. Suddenly there was a bed and I endured the most distressing ride I have ever taken. Anything you do is no fun, and anything you take doesn't help when you're having a heart attack.

When I was put in a room it seemed like "forever" before they began to do anything. Of course, I had to be admitted. In the meantime the distress subsided, especially if I walked. I actually went through a little "escape" skit that amused a couple friends who were there. I was still convinced a couple Tylenol and some benadryl was all I needed. Then came the EKG and more nitro and morphine and I was resting. I was also told that without any doubts, I was in the middle of a heart attack.

Our pastor visited and prayed with me. There was lots of joking around and I was taken in for the catharization. You're awake during the procedure. This all sounded like science fiction to me. After the doctor had been poking around for a couple minutes I asked when he would start. He was almost done. I saw a bone on the monitor and he told me it was my right knee. Cool! He had found a total blockage in my RCA (right coronary artery), put in a stint and we were done.

Today, January 1, 2013 they are trying me out on different drugs to work with the stint. Also, therapists and dietitians are off today. The Dr. Guerra turned out to be a believer who grew up in Mexico playing soccer in a poor neighborhood. According to him, it was a simple procedure and except for not running and lifting for a week, when I'm released, I can go back to walking 2-3 hours a day immediately .

Laura and I are thankful for how the Lord planned all of this. Having a heart attack, fully medicated in an ER was nice planning. The support of our church was very touching. The few restrictions and quick recovery time is a blessing. Both Laura and I see the Lord's hand in letting me finish the Reading Notes. If this had happened any earlier, it would have kept me from finishing. Now with this thorough check up and stint in place, I'm ready for the next assignment.

Sometimes following the Lord seems vague. Does he really mean what He says? In Philippians 1:21-30 (RSV) Paul says, 21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 If it is to be life in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. 23 I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. 24 But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. 25 Convinced of this, I know that I shall remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith, 26 so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus, because of my coming to you again. 27 Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you stand firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel, 28 and not frightened in anything by your opponents. This is a clear omen to them of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God. 29 For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake, 30 engaged in the same conflict which you saw and now hear to be mine. That wasn't just for Paul. Later in chapter three he says, "let those who are mature be thus minded."

The word and faith keep us from the damage that comes from thinking this life is all there is. Following our Lord in the harvest keeps us strong, balanced and forward looking. Loving the Lord keeps us filled with joy, because one way or the other, when our work here is done, we will see Him.