Sunday, July 31, 2011

So what do you do if you are “hopelessly” behind in your reading?

You keep going. You don't give up because you know it's worthwhile and by faith you know that God not only has blessing, but has Himself hidden in the pages of that book.

Thankfully, life is full of new beginnings. Use them. For example, Monday always begins a new week. Regardless of how bad last week was, and how you felt you messed up on holding things together, start again on Monday.

Tomorrow begins August. If that's too soon for you, September's coming. Fall is coming about 20 days into September. Then comes October and so on. If you need to wait for a holiday there's labor day and Halloween or look at an international calendar for more ideas.

Especially if you have kids, your life has changed since summer vacation began and the kids began haunting the house all day long. But school, or mother's day out, or kindergarten will begin soon (thank God!).

Even if you struggle in your reading to the end of the year, resolve to start fresh in January.

Part of what you're experiencing is self discovery. It isn't easy to read the most important book in the world. There is a price tag to really drawing close to God in His Word. We fight a thousand fights and the biggest one is with ourselves. But, of course, it's worth it. The Lord blesses and provides as He promises.

Since I'm no rock of self discipline, I've begun and re-begun, and committed and recommitted hundreds and hundreds of times. But eventually the right rhythm comes and it clicks. A reading routine finally falls into place. You finally figure out when you need to read and if you miss that time you're toast. You work up a review plan for something and it fails and is burdensome and you're a mess. But then Monday or the first of the month or the first of something rolls along and you kick it again and Voila!

But then someone visits, someone gets sick, something happens and the routine flies to the wind. Just don't give up. The beginning of the week or month or something is just around the corner.

Most of the great examples God gives us in the Bible were very ordinary people made extraordinary only because of the faith they developed as they endured hardship, waiting for God to answer them. They sought the Lord and He answered. And why did God show us all of these people? To show us how much He loves us, to teach us to keep seeking Him and to not give up.

If you need some motivation, check out these videos.

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