Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 15, Reading Notes

1 Chronicles 19-21

1 Chr. 19

We've read of this battle before. I think the significance for Ezra in reviewing this entire story, is that this is the largest foreign army David fought against. The situation began innocently enough, but God allowed it to escalate into a major international showdown. The Ammonites hired an army from the areas around Assyria and Babylon and Israel defeated them with God's help. After this, the name of God and David was known as far as Babylon.

1 Chr. 20

We've read this story before too, but what is interesting is what's missing. There is no mention of Bathsheba or the death of Uriah.

This is a very thin summary, showing the returning generation that God rescued Israel from huge armies and (literally) enormous foes.

1 Chr. 21

We have also read this story. The twist here is that Ezra says that Satan stood up against Israel and incited David to do something that would bring God's judgment. The story is important to know because this is how the location for the temple would be chosen.

It is interesting that Ezra points to Satan being against Israel. We know this is true, but this is the first time I can remember it being said. Israel had seen trouble and had been disobedient and were kicked out of their land. They almost ceased to exist as a nation and only God's grace in Babylon saved them. As the nation of God, tracing its roots back to Adam and Eve, they needed to keep in mind that they had a enemy who would incite them to sin. Even God's favorite son, David, when incited to sin, was punished.

Notice that between the events of chapters 20-21, there's all sorts of information missing. Apparently Ezra wasn't interested in the "humanness" of David, as much as God's mercy on Israel.

Romans 2:25-3:8

Rom. 2:25-29

Knowing that in chapter 11 Paul will say that there is a difference between the church and the Jews and that the Jews will fulfill their destiny, what is Paul's purpose in saying that a real Jew is a Jew inwardly? Some people try to use things like this to say that the church has spiritually taken the place of Israel and that Israel, as the nation of God, is gone. As Paul would say, "By no means!" To me, it appears that Paul is leveling the playing field saying with regard to salvation, that is, salvation by faith alone. Obviously even in the Jewish nation, there were some who believed and some who didn't. The "real" Jews, like Abraham and others, believed.

Rom. 3:1-8

V. 3 God will still honor His promises to the nation of Israel. We'll see this in chapters 11 and 15.

V. 4 This is one of those many places in Romans where Paul asks a rhetorical question that is answered very strongly with "By no means." In the Greek this is a very, very strong denial. To get the right effect in the English, you probably need to take your shoe off and bang it on the table as you're saying this.

The issue of God being "judged," is interesting. Paul will mention this again in this chapter. Although Paul will use some arguments in chapter 9 that will make it look like God can do what He pleases, God still brings about salvation in such a way that it is totally righteous and just. Satan is not only the accuser of the brethren. He's keeping an eye on God too, to hold Him to the line. When all is said and done, without having to violate righteousness and play the card that says, "I'm bigger than you so I can do anything I want," God will appear totally righteous, good and loving in how He brought about salvation universally and personally.

V. 8 Apparently some people twisted Paul's teaching on grace, as Peter says later, to their own destruction.

Psalm 11

As disciples following Christ, we don't live our lives according to the "tune" of our culture. We see a different reality and know a Savior who is still interested in seeing people saved.

V. 1 is the taunt of the unrighteous.

The tension is in verse five, where those who follow are being tested. To the person not following God, this testing proves their point, that those who follow God do it in vain. It is foolish to wait on God.

V. 7 is our only true hope. As we follow, our lives are used by God for His purpose. Success is defined by the Lord, not us or our culture. Our hope is in knowing we will see His face and know His kindness in Christ forever.

Proverbs 19:10-12

It's hard to know what to do with this little mish-mash.

V. 10 You have the disparity of seeing the foolish do well, but they do, especially in Hollywood.

V. 11 You have the internal wisdom that supplies a person with balance in an "unequal" world.

V. 12 Then there is the judgment of a "king."

I guess in all of this, the person made wise by following God can make sense of the disparity of this life and knows how to seek the favor of God.

In reading all of this, there is the question of whether it's worth it to make so much of following God. Ezra is trying to make a case for living as God's chosen people. Paul is saying that the life of faith is worth pursuing. The psalmist is crying out after listening to people tell him there's really no help but helping yourself. Even the proverb says it's hard to see the foolish prosper because it looks like they were right. But reality never changes. God has a plan and it's coming to completion. If you only do the speed limit when you see a cop, it means that you really don't see the law as important. If the only time we obeyed God is when we could see Him, that would be compliance, not love and faith. When we "can't see" Him working, but we keep on following in the harvest, that is love and faith. Others might think we've lost a couple of cards from the deck while they enjoy a comfortable life, but I'd rather follow, even if it means being hungry now.

This is a weird Keith Green song that came to mind when I read the psalm. The lyrics are below. Enjoy.

Keith Green Keep All That Junk To Yourself 
Feeling good bout the way I am,
How come you just can't let me be.
Oh, I've got no use for your master plans,
No one's running this life but me.
Oh cause I, I've got to stand on my own,
No I can't lean on nobody else.
Cause I, I've learned a long time ago,
I've got to keep looking out for myself.
And you can keep all that junk to yourself.

You keep warning me about the way I'm going,
But my future's looking just fine.
And I've got no use for your scary tales,
I'm sure I'm not looking to die.
Cause my time, you know, it more important to me,
Then to talk about angels and elves.
Cause I, I've read the Bible before,
And it keep it right there on the shelf.
And you can keep all that junk to yourself.

Yes, I'm feeling real good bout my life right now,
And I'm sure that for you it's all true.
If it makes you happy, enjoy yourself,
I'm so glad it's working for you.
But for me, you know, I've got to stand on my own,
No, I can't lean on nobody else.
Cause I, I've learned a long time ago,
Got to keep looking out for myself.
And you can keep all that jive to yourself.
And you can keep all that junk to yourself.
And you can keep all that junk to yourself.

If you’re reading along and don’t have a One Year Bible, click on this link Every Day in the Word. If that doesn't work, go to and click on “Every Day in the Word.” 

I'm writing these comments to and for those who are following a One Year Bible and interested in growing deeper as a disciple, following Jesus in the harvest. My hope is to see the growth of a discipleship culture in the church. Groups of 3-4 disciples, meeting weekly, encouraging each other to follow Christ and work to reach out and make disciples who make disciples. The Bible itself is the most universal manual we have and key to our growth and service in Christ. Nothing keeps us more focused on why we are here or what we are to be doing. My comments are only meant to provide some explanation of the events or to show the flow of God's plan of redemption. My comments are in no way exhaustive, but are designed to keep us focused on Christ and our role in His harvest. My hope is that the people in these groups will grow in Christ and be willing, after a year, to find 3 others to meet with and encourage in their growth as disciples, disciples making disciples in the harvest.

If you would like a more descriptive commentary that is still readable and concise, I'd recommend the Bible Knowledge Commentary. It's keyed to the NIV, so the result is, the commentators are constantly telling you what the Greek or Hebrew is. That never hurts.

I am not endorsing any particular One Year Bible; in fact, I read something you don't, die revidierte Lutherbibel 1984.

Anyone reading along with us is welcome to do so and is encouraged to take their own notes and make their own observations. If the comments made do not agree with your particular tradition or understanding, that's OK. Nothing I've written is meant to criticize any point of view, but only to express the truth of what God has written to us, as I understand it.

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