Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hearing and Sharing in the Harvest, and ch. 2&3

This morning going over the parable of the sower, I was struck by praying-in-field-2the importance Jesus put on understanding, straining to understand and then, having understood, to share. A light is not to be hidden but put on a lampstand so that all who enter might see it. That means what we have understood is to be shared, not covered. We are to be careful to listen and understand with the promise that more will be given. Maybe there is an additional promise that if we strain, the Lord will give us understanding (as Paul tells Timothy) because nothing has been hid, except to be revealed, nor made secret except to be brought to light. The Lord stands ready to give understanding to those who strain to gain understanding.

Interestingly enough, just before this section on putting your "light" on a lampstand and straining to understand, is the man who hears the Word and welcomes it and understands it and holds it fast in an honest and good heart and bears fruit with patience. Understanding the Word, straining to understand leads to putting it on a lampstand and it, in us, leads us to multiply and make disciples who make disciples (bearing fruit, John 15).

I wonder, if we don't share, if we truly understand, and if we don't share, if we damage our ability to truly understand more, and therefore, more is not given to us, but we live the same old tired easy truths of the faith year after year after year.

Copyright 1994 Daniel G. Kachikis

The story has been removed from the blog as of June 2015 and is now an e-book on Kindle. The Amazon link is

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