Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sweetness in the Harvest

Lots of things are moving slowly.  Today I had 3 interesting little connections with people, one of which might have been from the Lord to produce an idea for our work here.

Going slowly can be bitter and frustrating, bringing us into doubt.  I guess that’s what the shield of Faith is for, to keep us from caving in to doubt.  We know the Word is true and we need not waver regarding God’s call or His faithfulness.  He works and is working.

But yesterday in Proverbs I found another thing to help in this time of slow work and formation, Hunger.

I read a one year Bible, which is inspired, because the Bible is inspired, but the verse selections for the day are not inspired.  Especially reading Proverbs, the randomness of the choice makes you wonder, but today it hit me.  The Proverb hit me not only because of where we are, but because it echoed something from the Sermon on the Mount and because it was in German.  Etwas kompliziert, gell?honey-bread-recipe-lg

Proverbs 27:7 says, “A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb, But to a hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.”

In the German and the Hebrew the word “loath” means to trod under foot.

What the Spirit touched me with, was to keep hungry to follow Christ in the harvest and to see people saved and to make disciples who will make disciples.  That hunger keeps every provision of God visible, noted and precious.  That hunger makes everything that might seem slow and doubtful and bitter, sweet and encouraging.

A good weekend of ideas.  Forms filled out, 3 interesting conversations, a new idea for a discipleship cell and a proverb randomly put into a German One-Year Bible on a day I needed it.  Good encouragement to a hungry heart in the Harvest.

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