Saturday, November 13, 2010

A New Tool for the Harvest

Yesterday in praying I was asking for opportunities to share the Gospel. I feel that that is "on" for me, at least once a day until I die, just to keep in practice.

One of the difficulties I have as a professional holy person (pastor) is having enough opportunities, especially long ones. The Lord has blessed me using the EE presentation but that's hard to do in all situations. Thinking about my next round of doing the survey in our target area, I've told the Lord that if I feel the person I'm talking to is open, I'll let'em have it.

So the Spirit gave me the idea to take all the stuff rolling around in swiss-army-knifemy head and make a short 3-5 minute presentation. To get a new tool for the harvest. I've still got EE and the other presentations, but I need, according to the Lord, a new tool. So I worked on it.

Yesterday I got my hair cut. Last time I couldn’t kick up a conversation with the "haircutter" to save my life. Once she knew I was "religious" she shut up. So I was praying I'd have an opportunity. At first it didn't look good, but when she asked what I did, I said I was a pastor and she asked, "What's the difference between a minister, a priest and a pastor?" I gave her a very missional answer and pulled out my new tool, and launched into the presentation.

Now, getting your haircut isn't the best venue for a deep talk. The electric clippers she used must have been dull because every time she ran it up my head she almost pushed me off the chair. There were moments when I couldn't hear what was coming out of my mouth. Then the phone rang twice and everything went on hold until she came back. But in all the confusion and abuse to my head, she heard more of what God wanted her to know than she has in a long time. As I left and gave her my card and a "Knowing God Personally," she thanked me.

It's not the kind of venue I would have liked, but it's what the Lord provided.Daily-Bread

"Hungering," I think, is Jesus' way of saying “applying ourselves deeply” to see people coming to Faith in Him on this earth. It brings with it a persistence and a need and necessity to revise and revisit and reinvent for the particular setting and culture and for the particular person.

Well, anyway, it/He drove me to come up with another tool for the Harvest and I can’t wait to try it again.

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