Friday, September 10, 2010

Wanderers in the Fields

cornmaze2 Laura and I were out knocking on doors. I was really moved in a melancholy sort of way by the Christians we found. Usually I don't spend much time talking to believers or church goers because of wanting to talk to people who are distanced, but the Lord used this.

One woman in her 50s who hadn't been to church in years, since the death of her husband.  She knew a lot about churches in the area. 

Then there was a 20+ who grew up in church but doesn’t attend or see a need. Her parents push her, her husband doesn't want to go, she was involved in churches and in the start up of Life church, her husband was attracted to a picnic, played football with the guys, went to men's things, trusted Christ, but somehow they got distanced. Her request for God would be for her husband. If he went, then she'd go.

The next was a family thing. Woman in 60s with 3 son's in ministry…2 video, one pastor for 17 years now in another ministry. Not really in any church, visiting churches with her son and family. Went to an Acts 29 church, cool church, from 60 to 1000+ in 3 years. Great message and tattooed people handing out bulletins.  Cool, in a self righteous kind of way. Then began the quizzing on our beliefs, found out I was DTS and went to dispensationalism. I tried to get back to reaching the lost.

So what size is your church? What's the band like? How about the preacher? What's your opinion on gifts? On a good day I can tolerate this stuff, but my question is "What about Jesus and your love for Him because He saved you? Is that welling up in you becoming a spring of living water that flows out of you?" No, it's all church. I love church because I love Christ, but church is "just" a group of harvesters getting together to help one another get the job done better because they each love Jesus. We define the church by “worship service” and by preaching and doctrine, not by the Love of Christ that compels us to follow our Lord into the Mission.  Jesus is still reaching out to save the Lost and make Disciples.

So our sanctified lives revolve around our sanctified needs. We become Connoisseurs of fine churches. IF it meets my needs, I go. If not, I stay home. Jesus? Whatever. Churches become idols. We won't get ourselves messy in the fields. We're here for the church. Suffer for the gospel as a good soldier of Christ? Sure, but before I consider that, what is your worship band like?

Then there was Joe. Doesn't go to church and didn't have any suggestions. What would you ask God? In his eyes you could see him do a search in his soul and you saw his heart respond. "Where did man come from?" Very sincere.  If you could ask God for one thing today, what would you want? Again you saw a very sincere tenderness, "Health for my kids."

What a contrast. The church culture hardened. The saved drifting without a mission. Connoisseurs of fine churches. And Joe, the lost guy, needing Christ, wondering what's going on, if any of this makes sense, hoping chance and sickness don't touch those he loves.

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