Monday, September 20, 2010

Disciples of Jesus or Distracted by God

Are we really followers or just occasionally distracted by God?

In Romans 8:14, Paul states a gospel truth, "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God." Apparently this means that all distractionwho belong to God live being led by His Spirit. Really? I don't want to get into trouble here, but is this really true? How much of the average Christian's day is mindfully, cognitively, intentionally being guided by the nudging and observations given by the Spirit? I don't know. I don't know that many of us are this close to God. I think if we are led it happens by accident. God says, "Kachikis is going to miss it again. Gabriel (probably Clarence, I don't rank Gabriel's attention), wake him up so he can see what I'm doing."

Imagine that the Father is working, preparing stuff for us to do each day. We just need to be disciples, alert and waiting to serve Him. This is just like Jesus.

In John 5 Jesus goes to the Passover in Jerusalem. He walks by the pool of Bethesda. Jesus had been in Jerusalem at least once a year since He was 12. Now He was about 31. Jesus had been there at least 19 times and if, as the Law said, all males were supposed to be there 3 times a year, that would be 57 times. But here the 19 years are important. John mentions that there was a man there who had been sick for 38 years. This means that Jesus had seen him every year for the past 19 years, but this day there was something different. Jesus saw him and realized that he'd been lying there a long time. He realized it and realized in that realization that the Spirit had shown Him something. So Jesus, very low key and quietly, healed the man. Now that day was the Sabbath and eventually the Jews tracked Jesus down. Jesus' excuse was, "My Father is working still and I am working," that is, my Father didn't take today off and He showed Me what to do and I did it."

Here are the key verses, John 5: 19 Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing; for whatever he does, that the Son does likewise. 20 For the Father loves the Son, and shows him all that he himself is doing; and greater works than these will he show him, that you may marvel."

Jesus walked into Jerusalem just like He'd done before. As He was passing by the pool he saw the people there and now it hit Him,'That man, he's been there forever,' and in this He saw what the Father was doing, the fact that it even came to mind, and Jesus moved in. Too bad for the Jews it was on the Sabbath. What's wrong with God, …anyway?

The disciple is not greater than his Master. If this is how Jesus walked, this is how we need to walk, everyday. Yeah, but the Father loved the Son and showed Him everything.  We’re  just servants.  But He loves us too.  Yeah, but really, I’m so busy, He doesn’t need to love me that much.  I don’t need to know.

But a disciple wants to know.  We are servants, looking at the events of the day to see where the Father is working. Where is there a person with need that we notice and get a twinge of conscience? What has suddenly occurred to us to do? As disciples we are saved by grace through faith by God's gift, so that we can walk in good works, doing good for others, which God has already prepared for us. If we are led by the Spirit, we are privileged as sons and we can see where the Father is working. If we are sensitive to the Spirit we notice these. If we are disciples and servants of our master, it gives us joy to be led as He was led and to step in to any situation, no matter how unplanned and not-on-our-to-do-list, and serve Him.

So are we sons and daughters of God who, as disciples, are intentionally led by the Spirit to see and receive what He has for us, or are we just occasionally distracted by God to see His working?

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