Saturday, August 1, 2015

August 2015 Update

5911 Keeneland Parkway, Dallas, TX 75211
Dan Cell  972-955-8816  Laura cell 972-955-8820 /

August 2015 update

Dear Friends and Family,

I know a guy who was looking at some land in Texas to retire on. The realtor was a good ol' boy and joked about the hot, dusty, barren piece of Texas that was being considered. He said, "You know, all it needs is some water and some good people." The guy said, "Really? That's all that hell needs too." He retired elsewhere. You gotta love Texas. If not, you can always settle down in that other country, "Not-Texas."

Texas is here and I hate to say it, I enjoy the heat and walking in the heat. Laura doesn't share my perspective on this. Not only is it good for what ails you, but how else would you learn the riddle of that one verse in Old Suzanna? There is always a breeze here and if you are at the right level of "sweat," when it hits you, even when it's 100, it chills you. And then you get it, "It got so hot I froze to death, Suzanna don't you cry." Whenever I share these insights with Laura she starts feeding me liquids and gets ready to dial "911."

In spite of the heat, we have kept busy. In the past 45 days we have published 3 books.

Looking Out For Number One is fiction and is a story I wrote in 1994 about how a ruined "disciple" gets back on his feet and wins the day. It's a "kick," like a summer action movie.

Bedtime Adventures: Fluffy and His Friends is a collection of stories I made up and told the kids when I was putting them to bed. It is actually a book for parents, grandparents, babysitters and teachers. It isn't an illustrated children's book, rather, a book of stories for you to read to kids.

Simply Disciples*Making Disciples. This book is a product of how and where the Lord has led us and how he has directed our hearts in ministry. If you can understand that I'm not being self-serving in saying this, we would pray that everyone we know and care for would read this book. It is a very simple, biblical and essential definition of what being a disciple is, and how all of us can be used by the Lord to help others become disciples, who make disciples.

At the moment I'm doing some work for another book, walking through the life of Christ in the Gospels to see what Jesus taught His disciples about learning from and following Him.

Now, since this is a "Kindle" book, I have been asked if you can read it on a PC or an iPad. The answer is "Yes." Amazon is all about making money for itself, so you can get a free app for any device. It may involve being registered at Amazon (who isn't?) but the process is very easy. We have a 1st generation iPad, the one with the hand-crank on the side, and it works perfectly on that. Laura and I both have it on our iPhones. I just downloaded and installed the Kindle app on my HP PC, gave my email and password (it lets you sign up right at the app) and it works perfectly.

In Luke 11:43 Jesus tells His guys, "Blessed is that servant whom his master when he comes will find so doing."

Doing what? Go look. I think the answer is hidden on the surface of the previous verse. It is something all of us can do and it is described in Simply Disciples. And even here in writing this, it is something we are trying to do. I'm not concerned about the promises in these verses, that is the Lord's business and He takes good care of us. The motivation for all of us as disciples is just simple love for the Lord, and gratefulness and wonder that He saved us.

There is a Steve Camp song that has a deceptively deep refrain. It goes, "to give all that you are, for all that He is, this is the gospel according to Jesus." What is He, to you?  Right now, for me, He is definitely worth baking for in the Texas heat.

In Christ, 

Dan and Laura

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