Sunday, May 3, 2015

A Simple Definition of Discipleship

Jesus said a disciple is someone who learns from Him.

Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

The word for "learn" is the same word which in noun form means "disciple." This is not learning "about" Jesus, or theology, a book of the Bible or reading a book. It is learning "from" Jesus. How did the 12 disciples do that? It was slow, daily, and relational; that is, they sat with Him and listened to His words. If studying, reading and learning about being a disciple is the way a person becomes a disciple, a person would get an education, but might never learn to learn from Jesus.

Jesus put a high value on the disciples listening to Him and doing His Word. Without Jesus being visually present to teach us, we know He does it through the Spirit and the Word. This is primarily how a disciple learns from Jesus. He or she spends time in the Word as the Spirit spiritually speaks and teaches.

A disciple can learn from Jesus every day, by simply being in the Word daily. Being a disciple is dependent on Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Word. It is not dependent on hearing a sermon or a particular preacher, reading a book from any particular author, hearing praise music, taking a class or going through a program. These are all secondary. Being a growing disciple cuts across all barriers of language, geology, class and culture. A disciple learns from Jesus as he or she takes the time to come before the Lord every day, read His Word and then follow Him through the day. And I would add, follows Him into the harvest.

This means that the primary goal in disciple-making will be to mentor or nurture the person to learn from Jesus. This happens by simply inviting them into a small group where everyone is reading the Word. I've found that the best way to do this in a small group is with a one-year Bible or reading plan for the one-year Bible. The observations and conversation allow the Spirit to set the discussion and learning. The group gives encouragement and accountability to keep reading. There is mission and there is prayer too; but first, a disciple needs to catch fire with the entire Word, and learn from Jesus.

There are lessons for the Lord to teach us from others, but a disciple abides and lives with Jesus as the Twelve did. Disciples are in His Word daily and learn from Him. Our job as makers of disciples is to encourage them to take the time to sit in His presence, hear His Word and then do it. We are shepherds, mentors and disciples first, not teachers. Before he is a follower, the disciple yokes himself to Jesus and learns from Him. Then, as a learner, the disciple knows where to go and what to do. He follows Jesus into the harvest and makes disciples who make disciples.

Psalm 1:2 but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.

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