Saturday, January 25, 2014

On the Road Again

This morning we are clearing out our rental house, loading the last things into a rental truck and setting out on a new adventure.

Laura and I celebrated 10 years of marriage yesterday. I say "celebrated," but it was more like meeting in a clearing in our moving confusion and saying, "Happy Anniversary." Today we begin a new beginning.

The past four years, in particular, have been an unusual miracle and in some respects it reminds us of Abraham and Joseph and Moses. We have been in a kind of wilderness, but it has been a gift and we have worked hard serving and preparing to serve the Lord. He has been working in us and preparing us. The Reading Notes have been born out of the need and desire God has put into our hearts to see the church and its people thrive in the harvest following Christ, reaching the lost and making disciples who make disciples who make disciples. God has kept us and provided for us, and we have the feeling that we still don't know how He did it.

And now we are off for Queens, New York. And all we want is to see fruit for Christ. We are praying that the preparation the Lord has given us will be used. Jesus said, "In this is my Father glorified that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples." If we can't have that, then we might as well die. Who'd want to stay here a minute longer? Yet, the thought of serving Him and seeing lost people saved and seeing His followers follow and become disciple making disciples is a great desire and makes all this worth enduring. It is all for Him.

So, we would ask for your prayers for everything, but immediately for our packing and travel. These 3 days driving to New York are going to be in the 20's during the day and in the single digits at night.

So, Lord bless you. Thank you for praying for us in this past adventure and we'll keep you up-to-date in what happens in New York after the dust, snow, and the pastor (Dan) and his secretary (Laura) settle.

In Christ,

Dan and Laura

55-08 31st Ave.

Woodside, NY 11377

Cell 901 314-5611

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