Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Thanksgiving Note

If you're reading this, you are one of those people who has been reading the Reading Notes. I want to thank you for the inspiration you have given me by using these Notes. I hope they have been a help. Reading the One-Year Bible is the important thing, but the notes are written as a disciple's commentary and encouragement. My desire has been to help a growing disciple who is leading a discipleship group grow deeper in his/her understanding of the different books and to grow to love the Lord and the Word.

There will be no foreseen revision of the Notes for 2013. If you need the notes they will still be here in the 2012 section of the blog postings, but I will not be posting regularly on the blog in 2013. My plan is to use the Notes with groups of disciples and then do a future revision based on feedback and observations in those groups.

On that note, I am looking for a church so if you know of a church that is looking for a pastor, feel free to pass on my email address to them. The position I'm seeking is pastor, rather than associate pastor. In order for this to become a disciple making culture in a church, it has to captivate the heart of the pastor. If the pastor and elders are not fully engaged, it will never become the heart beat of a church. We are praying the Lord will lead us to a church we can serve in reaching the harvest and making disciples who make disciples who make disciples.

Thank you for being willing to sweat and strain to follow Christ in the harvest. I have seen "hits" from readers in Asia and Eastern Europe and the Middle East and I am humbled because I know that these people are risking more to walk with Christ than I am. They have been the inspiration for me to publish the Notes a day ahead, since 4 PM here is 6 AM in Singapore. I like to have my quiet time in the morning, so I've thought they might want the notes in the morning also.

I praise the Lord for the gift He has given me in allowing me to write these and I pray for you for your growth in Christ as you follow Him in the harvest, making disciples who make disciples.

In Christ,

Dan Kachikis

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