Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 2011

This is just a quick note to let you know what's new and to ask for prayer.

Pray for the Lord's leading regarding where we should serve. We have résumés out all over, and we'll serve wherever the Lord sends us. Lately, we've become cautiously excited about the possibility of serving the Lord again in Europe, this time in an English-speaking international church.

My mom is getting used to her surroundings in the nursing home. Actually, she's doing more now than she ever did living in her own apartment and it seems like all the workers know her. I think her health has picked up. If Laura and I were to move overseas, we'd get my mom situated out in the Seattle area near my sister.

We would also appreciate prayer for a trip to Milwaukee with my mom over the Easter weekend. With her health as it is, we'd like to give her the opportunity to meet with family and friends again in her hometown. Some of her health issues could be a challenge, but we're girding up our loins and praying like troopers that the Lord will bless the time for all involved. My sister, Kathy, and her sons, Eric and Scott, will be there too. I'll be preaching that weekend at the Wauwatosa Chapel. Pray that it is a peaceful and meaningful weekend.

We are actively trying to sell our house. Using all the options available in this market, we have it up for a "short sale." Rather than trying to find President Obama's birth certificate, we wish Donald Trump would just come here and buy our house. Pray that the Lord brings the right person along and that the house sells soon.

In the meantime, we are slowly packing up the house. I'm sure we'll be more motivated once we know where the Lord is taking us. I am still furthering my doctoral work by working on a discipleship manual built around reading a one-year Bible. You can check out the "roughing out" work at http://fencerail.blogspot.com.

The kids all seem to be doing well. Pray for Gary, Helena and Co. as Transform 2011 inches closer. It will be exciting, but big ministry stuff is always a strain on a family. http://www.transform.om.org

Pray for Alisa in Atlanta. She's healthy, overworked, underpaid and in the repetitious dog days of her residency. If you're in the area, give her a call and take her out to eat. She knows this great Thai place.

I don't know what to tell you for Janae. She's doing her thing, working at OM Ships, being an Auntie, hanging out. Pray for her and her new roomie, that it clicks and / or creates amazing vistas of growth in the Lord. Smile

Greg is on the move….up the Appalachian Trail 2011. He and his girlfriend, Katie, are making a kind of "once in a lifetime" trek up to Maine. Pray that Greg and the Lord would have some good time on the trail.

Laura and I are in the middle of our own trek, following the Lord, realizing that regardless of the length of time we have followed Christ, we still have more to learn. In the One Year Bible, Joshua has just taken Israel into the Promised Land. I'm still amazed how much God made them depend on Him every minute in order to increase their faith and trust. The entire nation moved 7 miles from the spot Moses died to the swollen banks of the Jordan with no word from the Lord how they would get across. Then God told Joshua how it would go. Still, the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant, walked toward the Jordan without the waters receding an inch. God could have "assured" them it was going to happen by slowly bringing the water level down as they approached, but He didn't. It wasn't until their feet were in the water that the water stopped. Talk about learning complete trust and quietness in waiting on the Lord. The events of our lives are not quite that dramatic, but it is the same Lord leading us and teaching us those same lessons. And we're still excited to follow.

In Christ,

Dan and Laura

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