Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Read this if you’re behind in your reading

Any time you try to create a new habit or skill in your life you have difficulty.  It takes time and it takes a certain amount of “failure” (actually “learning”) to get things together.  If you are normal, it will take 2-3 years to learn to keep up in the One Year Bible.  You begin to notice what distracts you and what gets you off track.  You begin to plan how to catch up.  You take the Bible with you to the Dr’s office, the throne room, you put it next to the bed and before you turn out the light you just read the OT portion.  You discover strategies for reading a little more each day.  But in 2-3 years you figure it out.  Don’t be discouraged.  This has to happen.  All of us “think” we can run the hundred yard dash until we have to do it.  Reality is a good teacher.

And after 2-3 years you will have fewer weeks when you miss a day.  After 2-3 years you will read and remember the observations you made the previous year.  After 2-3 years you will make all sorts of connections between different books in the Bible, between the OT and the NT.  In 2-3 years you’ll listen to sermons and involuntarily, you’ll put other Scripture together with what the preacher is saying.  It’s sort of the Karate Kid, “wax on, wax off” effect.  You actually know the Bible and the Holy Spirit begins making all sorts of connections for you.  In 2-3 years you’ll be in a Bible study talking about something as a group and you’ll begin referring to something in Leviticus or Numbers like it’s really important and people will just look at you, stunned, food will fall from their mouths, wondering which planet you came from.

But the most important thing that will happen in 2-3 years, is that you’ll know the Lord so much better, and that means everything.  You’ll have a very regular, actually precious, meeting time with Him.  There will be stability in your life that comes from Him, His Spirit and His Word.

If you’re behind, be encouraged, you’re learning.  Now keep on going.

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