Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Where is Jesus?


This morning in Deut. 31 God says the people will turn away from Him yet recognize that their problems stem from God leaving them. God says He will hide his face from them. Now, theologically, God cannot not see them. But relationally, He will “turn away” and let them reap what they have sown until they turn to him. Obviously He gives them gentle nudges, but until they are fed up with the emptiness of their lives and see His distance as something they have created, which they can no longer live with, they won’t change and won’t see his “relational” blessing. The question is, “Would they want to see His face?” What does it take to “see His face?” Is it simply obedience or is it more?

What if it works like this with the Lord? Israel lost sight of God because their lives were full of themselves and stuff and idols. What about us? Do we see God, we who believe in Christ? I don’t think so. We call the daily “nothing” normal, and really don’t want more of God unless it rains. Our lives are full of ourselves and stuff and idols. We don’t even miss Jesus. We think of following as a duty and we don’t mind not having duty and obedience laid upon us. He seems quiet enough about it all. Maybe He’s okay with it. We call this normal.

All of this made me think of “New Moon.” Bella was “sick” in love with Edward, but they were separated. She could only see him if she was in trouble or taking a risk. So, she kept getting herself into situations where she would see him and hear his voice. It was dysfunctional, but it made a good point.

If we were “sick” in love with Jesus, I guess we would seek all those activities and go to all those places where we could “see” Him and “hear” His voice.

In Brad Paisley’s song “Raining You,” he expresses something similar, how his memory of his lost love is nearer to him when he remembers standing with her in the rain.

If I had my way
It would do this every day
I would never see the sun
Because the closest I get
To holding you again
Is every time that sky opens up

It feels like it's rainin' you
I can't explain it
But I am baptized anew
It feels like it's rainin' you
It feels like it's rainin' you

If we found Christ in a certain place, would we forsake every other place to be with Him? What if we’re looking for Jesus in the wrong place? And what if our hearts are so full of other stuff that we now lack the love necessary to really seek His face and desire His presence, even if we knew where to find it.

So where is Jesus to be found? For this we go, not to “teeny-girly-vampire romance,” or a great Country singer, but to William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army. The video is verbatim from an address he gave. So, where is Jesus according to Booth?

Could it be that we only really “see” Him and “hear” His voice, if we are engaged in His work. What would drive us to work hard with the lost or work hard getting a church to please and follow Christ in His mission? Obedience, sure. Duty, money, job, etc. All of these would work, but the only pure motive is love for Jesus, being “sick in love” with Him and wanting to see His face and hear His voice. Love. Maybe it is in the darkness of the harvest that we remember His love, and renew our vows and are baptized anew, and see Him.

Somehow I just don’t think this is as hard as we make it. Love God with everything, Love your neighbor as yourself. Give praise to God in all you do. The word is near you, on your lips and in your heart. Just do it.

This next link is only for those who need a motivational rush. It’s various quotes of William Booth and CT Studd ending with a prayer from Valley of Vision: Puritan Prayers  p.177 God’s Causes.

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