Saturday, December 31, 2016

Welcome to 2017!!!

Welcome to 2017!!!
The Reading Notes for each day will be in the 2015 archives. If you need them, you can go back to the dates. I will not be posting them "new" as I have before, nor will I be making daily links to those entries. I will however be making revisions on the daily reading as I find things to update.
On our webpage you can find whole month PDFs of the Reading Notes that you can download and view on your computer or tablet, or you can print them. You will also find my dissertation on disciple-making and my book Simply Disciples*Making Disciples. Please respect the copy rights. I feel I can do this for those of you who know the blog and are interested in making disciples. When Jesus sent His guys out he told them, “You received without paying, give without pay. These have been the Lord’s gift to me, for all of us, so I share them freely.
Laura and I prefer the hard copies just out of habit, and because we catch and note our (my) mistakes easier. If you use hard copies of the notes, you might also want to make your own notations in the margins.
As you look at the Reading Note PDFs you'll see "Master 2015" at the end of the most current editions. Soon, all of the Notes will have that notation. Eventually I will probably update this edition since I seem to be gifted at making hidden mistakes. Laura, thankfully, is gifted at slowly finding them. For example, she actually checks the references that I give and informs me when my memory has failed and I'm off a few verses or if I say "1 Samuel" when I should have said "2 Samuel."
The Reading Notes are especially important once you have developed the lifestyle of sitting at the Lord's feet in His Word with Him every day. Every day, at His feet, in His Word, listening to Him, is that one thing that is necessary. You and I need to live that life as disciples. We cannot model and impart what we do not do. Then, if you want to go deeper, the Notes will help. And, when you are guiding others in this process, it will help you answer their questions, or it will alert you to places where you need to supply some other information, like for example, why the message of Zephaniah was important and why it might have been necessary/helpful for Josiah. It is one of those things that not only makes the Word fresh and alive, but it shows us too, why we, ourselves, need everything written in the Word every year.
In the future I will add to the blog, but it will be about practical things the Lord is teaching me about making disciples, who make disciples. Hopefully, what I have to share will be a help to you as you guide others in becoming disciples, who make disciples.
May the Lord bless you as you follow our Savior as His disciple, learning from Him, abiding in His Word, reaching out to the lost and making disciples, who make disciples.
In Christ,
Dan Kachikis

Friday, December 30, 2016

December 31

December 31

Today's notes are at

If you would like documents containing an entire month of the Reading Notes, go to

You can download these to use on your computer or to print.

If you’re reading along and don’t have a One Year Bible, click on this link

Thursday, December 29, 2016

December 30

December 30

Today's notes are at

If you would like documents containing an entire month of the Reading Notes, go to

You can download these to use on your computer or to print.

If you’re reading along and don’t have a One Year Bible, click on this link

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

December 29

December 29

Today's notes are at

If you would like documents containing an entire month of the Reading Notes, go to

You can download these to use on your computer or to print.

If you’re reading along and don’t have a One Year Bible, click on this link

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

December 28

December 28

Today's notes are at

If you would like documents containing an entire month of the Reading Notes, go to

You can download these to use on your computer or to print.

If you’re reading along and don’t have a One Year Bible, click on this link