Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The March 2013 Reading Notes are ready

If you go to https://sites.google.com/site/dlkachikis/posts you will find all of March's Reading Notes in one convenient document.

May the Lord bless you in your reading of His Word as you follow Him in the harvest.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Addition & Revision for February 5 Reading Notes

Matthew 24:4-8 As I think this through, these events have described many times and wars in past history, or so it would seem. Wars and unrest and earthquakes have led many people to speculate about the coming of Christ. Jesus appears to be saying these will be normal, yet, just before the beginning of the tribulation these things will also be present. Sometimes the "birth pangs" are a false alarm. They still make us alert and keep us ready. As advanced as we think we are as humans with indoor plumbing and blue-tooth technology hanging on our ears, wars are still raging on this planet. This should remind us that we need the answer that only the Lord can bring and it should keep us in a state of readiness - not readiness to flee, but to do our work in the harvest.

Matthew 24:9-14 This will actually be in the Tribulation. Verse 10 is important. Because of the persecution of believers, many false believers will fall away and become bitter and traitorous. It will actually show who is in this for Christ, to bear their cross to their death, working to get His message out to save the lost.

Matthew 24:28 I think my comment in the reading notes is wrong. The focus of what Jesus is saying here is the sign in the heavens of His coming. Notice that this is the focus of the next verses too. This expression "wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather" simply meant, "look up." Looking up was the answer to finding the corpse. Looking up will be the answer to finding Jesus. False Christs and false prophets will say, "look here or look there;" but the only place to look will be up, and it will be evident to the entire world at the same time.